Monday, June 29, 2009

Thing #14 Technorati & Tags

I don't think anything has been as eye-opening as searching Technorati with keywords, whole blogs, and tags. When I searched by tags, the returns were much more applicable to my original search idea. Wow! Tags really are important. I do agree with the Technorati video that the originator probably should not be tagging his post, rather the readers should tag the post. If the originator tags the post, a popular tag is often used that would allow the blogger more hits, but it might not truly be the tag that really embodies the post.

I thought the first video was extremely simple to understand while explaining all the new features of Technorati. I was so excited to do a search of the most popular searches in Technorati. In the top ten, I noted Paris Hilton, Jennifer Garner, Jennifer Anniston and news. The first three were definitely out, so I chose to explore "news." Imagine my excitement when I looked at the first three blogs -- Bad writing contest, Man tries to rob hotel with butter knife, Wimbeldon info. Well, it was on to the top three blogs -- which led to information about harvesting rainwater in Colorado, Do I need a mentor, and the everpopular -- getting more hits on your blog.

I do see the importance of tagging and searching for tags. Hopefully it will direct me to pertinent information.

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