Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Thing #16 Wikis

It is exciting to learn more about Wikis. What I still don't understand after spending most of the day exploring is -- are wikis free? When I explore the PBWorks site, it says to contact an agent for sales information. Can a wiki be hosted somewhere for free? It looks fairly easy to host, but it looks like it can become very involved quite quickly. What a great way to extend a concept using the web!

I love the way a teacher can add a video clip, links, and begin collaboration in a safe environment. I think elementary students could use this activity at school to begin to try out some of the Web 2.0 tools that we have been learning in the 23 Things. I would love to add Flickr to the wiki and have students check out mashups. I believe the first step is just introduction and the natives will continue to collaborate and extend their learning in ways that we might not even imagine at first.

I found this YouTube video that share teachers' thoughts on using wikis. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=av2yofWSdU0 Check it out.

Wikis are not one-dimensional; a teacher can take a research project and essentially create a group project where all students learn to be collaborators and work together. Basic etiquette will need to be taught, and students must be willing to be respectful when sharing information.

1 comment:

  1. All of the wiki sources I have seen and use have free components. I use PBWiki a lot and all of my wikis have been free....with plenty of storage space for pictures, sound, videos and text files!
