I have visited Flickr before, but I have never taken the time to really explore the site. The library photos were especially interesting. I have bookmarked the site with the Plano library photos. I am interested in creating something similar with our signage.
I also tutor writing and there are so many wonderful images for students to address in their writing. I found many images that I would like to share, but I am not certain that Flickr is accessible in Katy. Our firewall is very strong, and I will have to check it out on the school computers.
I chose a ladybug to brighten up my blog.
I know what you mean - our school has such strong firewalls and filters that it is hard to even look things up, much less post pictures and things. Some of these sites in the 23 things won't even come up on the school computer - it says cannnot be displayed because of adult content!